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Simona Terra hat mir doch tatsächlich eine Mail geschickt vorgeblich von Parcel2Go. Gleiches Schema wie bei der DHL-Mail und sogar gleicher Text!

Do not contact us by phone!!!  We understand your desire to speak with someone on the phone. However, please understand that Parcel2GO`s primary focus is to provide support to our community through the most efficient methods available. We have found that providing email and Internet support allows us to give quick, reliable, and consistent answers to questions and concerns. Using email also allows us to document what was communicated in previous emails to you and to avoid duplication of responses.
Phone support simply does not serve our member’s needs as well as email does.

To contact us please e-mail us at parcel2go@europe.com.
Using email also allows us to document what was communicated in previous emails to you and to avoid duplication of responses. Phone support simply does not serve our member’s needs as well as email does.

For Property rejection please send us an e-mail at parcel2go@europe.com, at the subject line please write „Rejection for transaction #UK773039028DE“ and a customer representative will contact you for further information.

Super, was? Auf gar keinen Fall anrufen, denn wir sind nicht echt.

Noch netter war dann aber die  Nachricht von Simona:


I have paid GBP200 wich means EUR239 as fees at Parcel2Go,also i paid the fees for overnight delivery for tomorrow, if you do not complete your end today I have to pay the same fees again tomorrow and I would want to avoid that.
Hope you are with me on this,please?
I`m waiting for your e-mail please.

Did you received the confirmation e-mail from Parcel2Go? I need a confirmation from you!

Please reply,

Sie braucht eine Bestätigung. Ich hatte ihr schonmal geschrieben daß ich nix bekommen habe und immerhin hat sie einen halben Tag gewartet bis sie mir die Mail noch einmal schickte. Da sie ja eh nix zahlen muß beenbde ich das nun mit einem boshaften: Ich habe Dich durchschaut, Rumänenbraut! Oder so.

hey Simona,
unfortunately i recied an Email that said that you are a cheater. The flat isn’t real. I couldn’t believe that a such pretty girl like you is cheating because – I LIVE AT THE SAME ADRESS THAT YOU GAVE ME! AND THE FOTOS AREN’T FROM HERE, Cheater!
Okay – my Names and adresses were fakes as well – so i think we’re balanced now.
But thanks for your Time. 😀


Katherine Preston, die arme kopierte ist nach ein paar Tagen nachdrücklich geworden. so schrieb sie mir:

If you realy want to rent the apartament I need to send me this details so I can send you the keys and make the rental contract:

Zip code:
Mobile phone number:
Identity card number:
Date of birth:

Zu schade. Da muß ich das doch gleich mal ausfüllen.

If you realy want to rent the apartament I need to send me this details so I can send you the keys and make the rental contract:

Name: Kuntze Dominik
Address: Adalbertstrasse 37
City: München
Zip code: 80799
Country: Bayern!
Mobile phone number: 089/29104863 don’t have a mobile
Identity card number: 03651423252
Date of birth: 8.8.1988

What about the form that i send to you? i need it really..!

Mal sehen was nun kommt. Die Adresse ist die ihrer angeblichen Wohnung, die Nummer ist die Faxnummer des Polizeipräsidiums von München. Oh, und ich erinnere sie nochmal an das Formular natürlich.